Y! Fan - Professional Edition 1.2

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: ,
Y! Fan - Professional Edition v1.2 |
Nowadays fantasy sports games seem to gain more fans. If you are one of them and got already your fantasy fixed through the services provided by Yahoo.com, there is this option available on your iPhone – to monitor your fantasy teams right from your handy device. The feature is called Y!Fan and enables the fantasy sport players to chart the progress of their fantasy teams. Not to mention that there is also the possibility to make players moves directly from your iPhone or iPod touch!

y-fanThis Y!Fan makes your dream come true, easing you the access to your fantasy sport game, by a simple touch of your fingertips. In this way you can keep up with the most recent moves of your team, with their moments of high and low fortunes. This application helps you to monitor your team and league information, by displaying it on an easy-to-read interface. You can verify your list, the current stats, and situations of recent transactions as well. The Professional Edition costs $4, but ES Group Mobile offers a free edition of Y!Fan which allows you to check current scores, but without performing any changes in the list or lineup. Both versions (the paid and the free one) support Yahoo’s fantasy baseball, basketball, football and hockey leagues.

With the Professional Edition of Y!Fan you can make changes in your lineup, add or drop players, propose trades. There is this option quite at handy – writing on your league’s message board, view the Web site of your league located in the application’s built-in Web browser. A feature that a manager of the team should have at handy is ‘notes function’ – the ability of Yahoo’s player that looks to monitor breaking news about his team. This ‘notes function’ appears on Yahoo’s fantasy game as yellow notes which expand the moment you click on them. In Y!Fan’s feature it appears on a screen with player notes displaying the latest news on the players and the most recent news being displayed at the top of a list.

If you plan to add or remove a player to or from your roster, you simply have to scroll – by swipping your finger down the screen in the same way you do while using iPhone applications -through the list of top-ranked free agents. Lining up is also easy; you tap a player’s current position and choose the new one from the scroll wheel.

In case you want to have more than one fantasy team, you need to use the Y!Fan Professional Edition, since the Y!Fan free edition restricts you to just one team per sport option. With all the features that Y!Fan offers for your iPhone or iPod, one can only state that with Y!Fan, your fantasy sport game is at the touch of your fingertips!

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