FamViewer 1.0.3

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: ,
FamViewer v1.0.3 |
FamViewer allows you to view GEDCOM genealogy database files on the iPhone and iPod Touch. GEDCOM files can be uploaded to FamViewer with a web browser on a desktop computer or downloaded to FamViewer from any web site or web server via WiFi. FamViewer will import the GEDCOM file and display its contents. Once a GEDCOM file is downloaded and imported you can view individuals, families, notes and sources. Navigate the family tree with a touch. You can carry your genealogy database with you wherever you bring your iPhone or iPod Touch.

An index by surname allows the user to find anyone in the database. A family view, resembling a family group sheet, displays three generations of a family: parents, children, and grandparents. Touch the parent's names to view the details of their life events and personal attributes. Each event and attribute can have sources and notes, which are visible in another view.

A family tree view can display an eight generation family tree for anyone in the tree. Touch a person in the family tree view and go their family page.

All the FamViewer views work in portrait or landscape orientation so long names, places, dates or other data can be easily viewed.

FamViewer is not tied to any desktop genealogy software. Active genealogy researchers already own genealogy software that they run on their desktop, or laptop, computers. All modern genealogy software can export their genealogy databases in GEDCOM format. FamViewer will import GEDCOM files exported by today's popular genealogy applications.

There are no arbitrary limits to the size of GEDCOM files that can be imported. Files of 5MB to over 50MB with over 50,000 individuals with many notes and sources can be imported and displayed.

For best compatibility choose these settings when exporting GEDCOM files: GEDCOM Version: 5.5, Character Set: either UTF-8 or ANSEL are best, but any setting should work, Abbreviate Tags: Yes, Indent Records: No. If you have a GEDCOM file that uses an older GEDCOM version it would be best to import into your desktop genealogy software and re-export using these settings.

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch Requires iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later

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