Star Trek Countdown #03 v1.0

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: , ,
Star Trek Countdown #03 v1.0 | Download
When we last left our heroes, Nero watched his homeworld get pwned by the explosive destruction of the Hobus star.

This issue starts a short time after the supernova with Nero getting his distinctive tattoos to honor his dead family. In a pseudo flashback, we see Federation medical frigates arrive at the scene just after the tragedy. They offer Nero their help. But no, Nero's being a big ol' grumpy gus about it and thinks the Federation is looking to claim Romulan space. Nero then beams over mining exposives and destroys the Federation ships.

He then learns that the Romulan Senate escaped via a shuttle. The Senate beams aboard Nero's ship. Nero blames the Senate for ignoring his warnings and delaying the evacuation of Romulus until it was too late. He then grabs a bladed staff (which was shown in one of the trailers) and impales a senator.

Cut to the "present", with Picard and Spock sitting with the Vulcan High Council. Spock believes that the Hobus supernova threatens the whole galaxy and that his plan to implode the supernova from within with a black hole created from red matter is the only solution. But how to get close enough to the center of the Hobus star to deposit the red matter? Why, with a super-cool new ship, of course! The "Jellyfish" is a prototype ship designed to withstand extreme atmospheric pressures. Just what we need!

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