Proposal "Will you marry me ?" v1.0

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: , , ,
Proposal "Will you marry me ?" v1.0 | Download

What hasn’t been said about proposals? You can never really know if she’ll say “yes”; and then, what to do if she actually does agree. Then there’s The Ring … how do you even begin to decide? Maybe kneeling is best, go traditional, but she’s a modern woman, so you should probably ask The Question at eye level. Despite all the uncertainties, let’s state the universal truth: You’d like to be unique without being pathetic ...

So here’s the solution. The most unique and original answer to your potential proposal questions (or just an exceptional pick-up strategy at the bar). Maybe you’re thinking of taking the plunge, even planning it … so here it is, practice it on a friend, or do it for real and propose to her, The One, with a smile.

Chances are she’ll say “yes” if you decide to use our Will You Marry Me? application.
All that is left for you to do now is download the application, and wait for her to say "Yes".

How Does it Work?
All you have to do is enter your lady’s name (or that of the woman you’re practicing with, … or your potential pick-up).

You can enter any text you’d like, or have the option of using the default text, “will you marry me?”.

When The Big moment arrives, her picture will appear with the text. So beforehand, casually snap a photo of her, or ask her to pose. Press on the “Propose to Her” button, and ask her to press her fingerprint to the screen. Now just pray that she’ll say “yes”.

Share Your Experience
Who's the lucky girl? Where did you do it? How's it go? What did she say? Visit our website and upload pictures of your experience … you kneeling, her crying (or running away) … you get the idea.

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch Requires iPhone 2.0 Software Update

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