100 sounds RINGTONES - 100's of SOUNDS & SOUND FX v1.5

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: ,
100 sounds RINGTONES | Download

Why waste screen space, memory, and money when ONE APP plays HUNDREDS OF SOUNDS! We called it 100 sounds but got carried away and added HUNDREDS including your suggestions! And it only takes up the space of ~2 songs!

We have changed SO MUCH including ENHANCING ALL of the sounds, so YOU NEED to DELETE THE OLD APP and REINSTALL the new app. Apple will NOT charge you twice for the same app! Sorry for the inconvenience but this revision is worth it!

THANKS FOR MAKING 100sounds the #1 Soundboard App on iTunes!

Our easy, familiar interface lets you drag favorites to the top, and hide others. SHAKE or SELECT to PLAY, LOOP & DELAY hundreds of sounds for practical use or practical jokes!

THIS VERSION INCLUDES DIGITALLY ENHANCED, BETTER QUALITY SOUNDS and more of them thanks to your requests plus SHAKE-TO-PLAY random or last sound!

Get out of a meeting with a fake ringing phone or crying baby! Visit www.100sounds.com for the latest list of sounds AND A COOL DEMO!

SUBMIT A VIDEO showing how you use 100sounds to WIN A $10 iTunes Giftcard! This is NOT a contest, EVERYONE WINS! Prizes for first 100 videos or 100 days (March 12th).


Sounds include: Air Raid Airplane Alarm Clock Arc Welder Baby Cry
Baby Laugh Bacon Banjo Bark Beep Bells Bicycle Horn Big Ben Blowtorch Blues Boing Bomb Bomber Bong Bongo Booing Bowling Bubbles Bugle Burp Camera Cannon Cannons Car Horn Car Starting Caribbean Cash Register Cello Cessna Chainsaw Charge Cheering Chicken Chimes Choir Circus Clapping Coins Correct Coughing Cowbell Crash Creak Cricket Cuckoo Cymbals Daddy Darn Dentist Drill Donkey Doorbell Down Draining Drill Drum Dance Drumroll Duck Dude Elephant Evil Laugh Evil Excellent Excuse Me Fabulous Fanfare Fart Long Fart FAX Finch Fire Engine Flush Fog Horn Fore Frog Future Shock Gas Station Gavel Ghost Glass Breaking Goaaal Goat Gong Guitar Gunshot Hair Dryer Hallelujah Hammer Heartbeat HeeYa Helicopter Hi Hat Hiccup Hit Baseball Hole In One Horse Horserace Huge Burp Huh Ice Cubes Idle Engine Jackhammer Joy To The World Jungle Kiss Knocking Laser Laughtrack Lawnmower Lion Machine Gun Meow Miami Tune Modem Mommy Monkeys Monster Moo Narnia Neener News Intro No Noo Nyuck Nyuck Ocean Oh My God Old Horn One Small Step Organ Oscillator Ouch Phantom Scream Phone Ring Piano Pig Ping Pong Polite Applause Popping Cork Pouring Liquid Power Chime Power Tool Printer Racecar Rainforest Rap Raspberry Rattlesnake Red Alert Referree Reveille Reverse Ricochet Right Rimshot Rooster Rotary Dial Sandstorm Saw Scale Schoolbell Scream Sea Lion Shaving Sheep Shhh Shower Siren Sitar Sneeze Snore Socket Wrench Sonar Staple Submarine Teapot Tech Whistle Thunderstorm Toothbrush Train Transporter Truck Horn Trumpet Typewriter UFO Velcro Vibrate Victory Wah Wah Waah Wasp Waterfall Whale Whip Whistle White Noise Wind Wolves Woodpecker Yawn Yodel Yoohoo Zipper

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch Requires iPhone 2.0 Software Update

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