GeoDefense 1.1

Author: Games 4 IPhone // Category: ,
geoDefense is a new tower defense style game created by the Critical Thought Games now available now in the AppStore.

David Whatley, the developer behind the game, provides something new and refreshing in the Tower Defense genre, addressing few issues that might have made RetroDefense not as successful as we have hoped. Whilst still keeping a slightly retro feel, characteristic to old school games such as Galaga or Space Invaders the game delivers exciting and visually stunning gameplay.

Titled geoDefense, suggesting a landscape, aerial type experience the game brings the ever so loved Geometry Wars style graphics with modulated landscapes and highly visually attractive projectiles and explosion particle effects.

Something exciting and new in the Tower Defense genre! The geometric vector creeps are fast and intense. With 30 different maps, each its own puzzle, you’ll have to work fast to keep up. Using exciting vectorized graphics, this highly kinetic games brings a whole new dimension to the tower defense. Devastate creeps with blasters, lasers and missiles and watch their energy debris swirl through the gravity wells of your vortex towers. Now it’s time to figure out how to put that absorbed energy to good use….

Plenty of levels, fantastic graphics and engaging and smooth gameplay make geoDefense a game with all the prerequisites to be one of the best tower defense style games in the AppStore.

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